Building Wood Formwork Maintenance Tips

In the use of building templates, some matters needing attention should be understood in engineering. The product quality of building wood templates is relatively light. Whether in transportation or in construction, it can help us save a lot of human and material resources. So the next guangxi Black Panther wood industry for you to explain some building templates when the need to pay attention to.

Precautions for building wood formwork hoisting

In the application of building formwork wholesale products, attention should be paid to the hoisting of suspended ceiling formwork and the prohibition of collision. In the process of use, the large mold and lifting in place to smooth, accurate bag mold, mold removal in accordance with the procedure, do not knock with sledgehammer or pry hard pry, in order to avoid damage to the concrete surface and edges and corners. Ban on building templates with wall adhesive used cranes formwork, prevent wall cracking, steel building templates, such as uneven or frame deformation, damage of building template to timely repair level off, in use process, we must strengthen management, specification to pile up, to ensure that the number is clear, should pay attention to the protection of the finished product when disassembling mold, damage is prohibited.

The supporting system of the formwork should ensure the safety and reliability of vertical placement of the building formwork and its stability under wind load. The length of the bolt adjusting bolt should meet the requirements of vertical degree of formwork installation and self-stabilizing Angle adjustment.

Building wood templates need maintenance to be used more times

In order to make the building template can regularly maintain performance, can be used effectively for a long time, the usual cleaning and maintenance work is indispensable. Many people worry that the template is wet with a dry cloth to wipe, so that dust particles on the cloth will scratch the template paint layer, so when cleaning the building template, you must use a slightly wet cloth, which can not only give the template water and moisture. And the chemical reagent such as alcohol cannot be used when cleanness, also can injure lacquer layer so. If the building template is used in high-rise construction, it can also make the construction more convenient and fast, and its width is larger, so that the number of joints can be greatly reduced, so that the working efficiency of the mold can be improved.


Post time: Aug-01-2022